Factswrite has provided full-service bookkeeping and accounting for over 20 years in the Fox Valley area. We prepare monthly financial statements along with auditible transaction detail. Factswrite also provides payroll services for small businesses. By charging a flat monthly rate, you know what to budget. Also, unlike other firms that may charge by the hour, you won’t be billed for consultation and questions. We feel it's best to do things correctly rather than wait until the end of the year to fix them and get an unexpected expense.
Operating a business can be complicated and time consuming. You have to generate sales, order supplies, pay bills, manage employees, while trying to spend quality time with your family. A key element in managing all of your demands is proper accounting. As a business owner, your passion is running your business, not organizing, recording, and reporting the numbers you need to make sound business decisions. The 2 biggest reasons why businesses fail are lack of capital and substandard accounting practices. For over 20 years, Factswrite's passion has been managing those numbers for you. We have the education and the experience to allow you to pursue your passions.
There is generic bookkeeping software available that claim, "so easy anyone can do it". But are they available to assist you when you really need assistance? The government, suppliers, and employees don't want to hear about problems with the software. Nor do they want to wait for software glitches to be solved. Factswrite deals with these issues so you don't have to. If you're audited, Factswrite will handle the audit for you. Will software companies do that? Do you have problems with payroll tax filings? Factswrite handles those also. The software companies won't. Factswrite educates and explains to you on how your business is doing financially. The software companies don't provide advice…
Free Consultation!

Call us for a free consultation to discuss your accounting or tax needs. Or email us at